
PVCC has taken steps to ensure a safe and healthy campus community. PVCC SAFE is a program that provides students with services ranging from access to mental health and crisis counseling to establishing a clear medium to report sexual misconduct, assault, harassment, or stalking to the school.

In big bold letters on the PVCC SAFE website it says, “See something? Say something.” PVCC SAFE is committed to fostering a community that protects each other.

One of the first links you will find if you are on the PVCC SAFE home page is a link to the smoothly named “Incident Reporting Form.” This form has a slew of possible grievances you can choose from. Questions of academic integrity, misconduct, issues involving title IX, automobile accidents, and more can be reported through the “Incident Reporting Form.” If you cannot find the right incident for you, no fear, there is plenty of space to write your own narrative. At the end of the report you can choose among thirteen copy recipients which include deans, vice presidents, counselors, and others in a position of authority within the school.

Half way down the homepage it reads, “Attention New Students. All new students are required to view Not Anymore.” This is a program designed to increase awareness and education of sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, and bystander intervention.

Being a new student, I had never heard of such a video and questioned how many new students had ever heard of it.