Empowering Excellence: Unlocking Student Success at PVCC

Campus News Piedmont Profiles

It’s not uncommon for college students to get burnt out during a tough semester. Between homework and other things like work, it can be easy to lose track of when assignments are due. Although college can get to be a lot, PVCC offers a helping hand through the Student Success Office. The Student Success Office, in room 136 of the main building, offers a wide variety of tools to assist students on their journey through college. Student Success Director David Lerman, said,  “We have a lot of experience and can help with tons of tips and strategies. We also do a lot of listening, pep talks, and cheerleading.” 

The Student Success office helps students with issues that correlate with mental health, but they also provide students with information on financial aid and grades. The Student Success Office offers a wide variety of assistance, not only in person, but also through its website. Its website includes a section that shows many commonly asked questions. Clicking on each question results in showing a concise answer. There is also a section that shows recommended apps for things such as meetings, mental wellness, studying, and even saving money. 

The Student Success Office is a tool for the students at PVCC. It has many uses to help direct students through college. The Student Success Office is not the only tool provided. 

Lerman states, “While I believe wholeheartedly in the mission of the Student Success Office and those that work here, I do not think that we are any more vital a part of the PVCC community than any other part. It’s a system and in order for it to function as well as possible, all parts need to function as a part of the larger whole.”