Various students represent their clubs at tables in the PVCC Woodrow Bolick Student Center.

Lunch With 45 PVCC Student Clubs

Campus News Clubs Events

On Tuesday, Jan. 30, a quarterly event held center stage in the PVCC Main Building Bolick Student Center. From 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Over 45 club representatives took part in an expo-style Club Fair event, with the goal of informing students about the different extracurricular activities in which they can take part. 

The clubs vary wildly and offer students the opportunity to build community and make an impact through the school. In addition, these clubs provide the chance to make new friends who share similar interests. Mary-Evelyn Sellars, coordinator for student life and campus engagement, was in charge of organizing the event. “Over 45 clubs are here today and only three active clubs couldn’t make it,” she said. 

Here is a snapshot of some of the up-and-coming recent additions to the roster, as well as some long-standing groups. 

Among the new clubs, we find the brand new Car Club, which brings like-minded car enthusiasts who share the venue of PVCC to meet and discuss their favorite elements of car culture, as well as streaming F1 races and meeting together at the already-established Cars and Coffee events on Barracks Road every other Saturday. Debate Club is another new opportunity for those who love to competitively disagree. They plan to attend college tournaments and practice their craft online through chat-based discourse on Discord. Do you prefer gyrating your hips on a dance floor? Then the Salsa Club is for you, no experience necessary!

In terms of the more established clubs, there is still something for everyone. Enjoy nature and its geographical wonders? Consider Geology Club, with its monthly hikes and educational presentations with guest speakers, which make a great excuse to dip one’s toes in the outdoors outside of class hours. Want to make an impact in your community? Volunteer Club is a no-commitment community service-building club that offers you a chance to participate in trash drives and donation events to fundraise for communities in need.

Those who are passionate about science, engineering, technology, and math will want to sign up for the STEM club, through which internship opportunities are available. For those struggling with in-class projects, STEM Club also offers a community of like-minded individuals who can help. PVCC continues to broaden its horizons for student-led extracurricular organizations, which enriches the student experience and morale through community-building for everyone who partakes in the clubs. For more information, visit