Students gather around a table with birthday cake and balloons.

Surprise Party Celebrates Surprise Friendships

Campus News Classes

A gym is not a typical place for a party. But wherever there is good company and good food, a good party can be held. This idea was proven by the birthday party for Lucinda Riley on Thursday, April 13. Lucinda, who turned 75, is a student at both PVCC and UVA and a wonderful friend. During the P.E. class last fall semester, she was one of the students that pumped everyone up and made the class one of the best I have taken. 

With such a close friendship between classmates, it was no wonder that we were delighted to throw her a birthday party. Our beloved P.E. teacher, Christie Graf, adjunct instructor of physical education, and Lucinda’s daughter, Lisa, helped spearhead the surprise party. 

Upon my arrival at the gym, Graf rushed me into the office to make a card for Lucinda. The eleven of us all waited for Lisa to bring her mother in for the surprise, creating an air of excitement and anticipation. 

Graf set up a table, topped with her own homemade chocolate cake, many fruit plates, and a selection of cookies. Before the party began, we were milling around the gym, hoping that if Lucinda happened to see us, she would think we were just exercising.

Finally, Lucinda appeared, fantastically dressed as always, and we sang “Happy Birthday.” Lucinda teared up but maintained composure and blew out her candles. 

The birthday was a two-fold surprise. Not only did we surprise Lucinda with the birthday party, but Lisa surprised Graf with a gift. The work she did to make our P.E. class inviting and wonderful was not overlooked. While we ate cake, someone turned on some music. Holding our plates in our hands, we all started dancing.

Graf’s closing words were “Aging is when you limit yourself.”

Lucinda Riley blowing out her candles.
Lucinda Riley blowing out her candles. Photo courtesy of Nathan DuPriest