Laurel Molloy poses for a picture wearing a shirt with a black cat on it.

Editor’s Note

Piedmont Profiles

I have always loved writing. Since I was a child, I wrote poems, short stories, and pieces of creative fiction. Even before that I would play games with my sister making up stories and strange lands together. However, for a long time I thought writing as a career was only for authors lucky enough to get famous. I was wrong. Writing is a skill that is used in many fields.

I started taking journalism classes at PVCC in the fall of 2021, and now I will be graduating high school with an associate degree and pursuing writing at a four-year college. Taking ENG 121 – Introduction to Journalism and ENG 122 – Introduction to Journalism II, I have learned how much dedication and creativity journalism takes. Journalism tries to evoke emotions and get across points just like all good writing does.

As the assistant editor for The Forum, I experimented with interviewing, reporting, and writing in different styles. I have grown as a writer and become more confident at getting information for articles. The neat thing about journalism and writing in general is that you can be creative with it. I can use my own writing background to shape the articles I write.

Although college and life can be hard, there is much to discover and create. I am happy to have found journalism because it is a great mesh of different skills. I hope everyone finds a creative niche for themselves where they can be expressive.