A photo of the couridor outside the PVCC library and the Jessup Library sign.

The interlibrary loan system broadens research horizons

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Our interlibrary loan system connects PVCC students to more works than could possibly be contained within the walls of a single library. This free service gives students access to libraries across the world. 

The interlibrary loan system is a reciprocal service which allows libraries to borrow works between themselves. This could be a fantastic resource for any student who has found the perfect book that our library does not have. The item will either be shared in an online format (such as with an article) or physically. As explained by Crystal Newell, the director of library services at PVCC, students will most likely be borrowing the item from one of the college’s sister schools here in Virginia. However, so long as there is no monetary fee attached to accessing the work, then it would be possible to gain access to a work from farther away than just Virginia. If students plan to use the system for something with a time limit, it is important not to wait until the last second, as it can take some time for the item to arrive. According to the interlibrary loan webpage, books can take between 2-4 days to ship. Items that are being shared electronically will be available as soon as the request has been processed. 

Although the librarians are always available to help with a request, it is something that students are capable of doing on their own. From the PVCC homepage, go to Student Services and then from there to the Library page. From there go to the Interlibrary Loan Request page. This page gives step-by-step instructions for submitting a request. 

This page also has a section detailing the rules around the use of this system; there are some limitations. One important thing to note is that the request has to be for academic work. If students want to submit a non-academic request, it would need to be done through the Jefferson Madison Regional Library.

The interlibrary loan system means that the exploration of a topic can range as far as a student wants to take it. As Newell said, “It basically opens up all libraries…to PVCC students.”