PVCC student poses on Club Day at Ultimate Frisbee Club table

Pickup Ultimate Frisbee Picks Back Up at PVCC

Campus News Clubs

John Gulley, associate professor of philosophy and staff adviser to the Ultimate Frisbee team, discussed the next steps for PVCC’s Ultimate Frisbee team. “PVCC Ultimate has been around for over ten years now, and prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, we consistently held games of casual pick-up ultimate.”

Each year, new students join the team with a different level of skill and athleticism.“The degree of student participation and competitiveness of our teams has varied over the years, but the goal has stayed the same,” said Gulley, “Creating the opportunity for new and experienced players of all abilities to get together for pickup Ultimate.”

The team works collectively to achieve their shared purpose of having fun, while also letting everyone play who wants to. The team Facebook page has further information.

In the past, the Ultimate Frisbee club traveled to other schools and tournaments to play. “We traveled to a few tournaments years ago, and coordinated scrimmages with some university teams, but in the last few years we have just enjoyed weekly practices,” said Gulley. 

It is difficult for teams to practice together currently, due to the COVID-19 regulations put on sports. “We do not currently have practices and that will continue through the spring semester most likely,” said Gulley, “Play will most likely return in the fall 2021 semester but sadly probably not return before then due to the COVID-19 pandemic.” 

Some sports teams can hold socially distanced practices while other teams, like Ultimate Frisbee, depend heavily on teammates remaining in close contact with one another and their opponents. “Socially distanced play will not work as we almost always play tight one-on-one defense,” said Gulley.

In regards to trying out for the team, Gulley said, “Try-outs are not required and PVCC Ultimate is open to all. New players are especially encouraged to come out. We will teach you the basics.”