Jessica Adkins

Editor’s Note

Clubs Opinion

Jessica Adkins, online editor

The first year of college can be a very stressful time in one’s life. That was definitely the case for me. I was up to my neck in work and felt like I had no escape. It was not halfway through the semester, and I had already stopped going to classes because my mental health was deteriorating quickly. During that period of time, I found the Journalism I class. I figured I had a small interest in becoming a journalist so why not take a class that would help me figure out if I actually enjoyed it or not. 

When I began taking the course, I figured I would not be writing as much as I would be listening to lectures about how to write a proper article. I was completely mistaken. Within the first week of class, I was already writing an article.

Now, I have always enjoyed writing, but this class was almost an escape from my chaotic first year. I could have been in the grumpiest of moods and as soon as I walked through that door, I was happy. It was my safe space. 

I would recommend taking Journalism or joining The Forum club to anyone who has an interest in writing about what happens in the community, whether it be school or local. Even if you are not sure if you want to go into the field of journalism, the class is definitely worth taking. If you find that the class times do not coincide with your schedule, be sure to sign up for emails about when The Forum Club meets

The Journalism class, English 121, starts on Sept. 10 from 2-3:45 p.m. in room D106 in the Dickinson Building.

For more information about The Forum Club or the Journalism course, contact Dr. Tamara Whyte at