Dr. Frank Friedman awarding Sophia Keniston

Academic Awards Celebrate PVCC Students

Campus News Events

Cody Clark, staff writer

The 15th annual Academic and Leadership Awards Convocation was held at the Dickinson Main Stage on April 18. The purpose of the convocation is to recognize students for outstanding achievements in academics, volunteerism, and leadership. The ceremony also acknowledged scholarship recipients.

The auditorium was packed. The crowd radiated excitement as everyone waited the start of the ceremony. The stage had seats where many faculty and staff waited to give awards to their students.

PVCC President Dr. Frank Friedman welcomed everyone to the awards ceremony and said, “The students we recognize here today are not only the best of PVCC’s 7,500 students but they are among the best college students you’re gonna find anywhere, two-year college or four-year college.”

Friedman continued by saying he had high hopes for the future with it being in the capable hands of these student who are going to be recognized. He said, “Now, each of these students has a story behind their success. For many it’s been a story of overcoming obstacles, maybe financial, social, academic. Many needed a second chance, or a third chance, to be successful.”

The academic awards followed Friedman’s welcome and introduction. Fifty-four students received academic awards from the three academic divisions at the college. After the academic awards, Assistant Professor of Engineering and Electronics Hunter Moore gave the convocation address.

Moore stated he was excited to speak at the event and that every year it gets harder to narrow down his nominees. He said, “Here at the community college I have the luxury of teaching to a group of people who genuinely want to better themselves.”

The awards for leadership followed with a total of 19 recipients across the clubs at PVCC. Many of the awards are named by faculty members that sponsor them for the semester. Online Editor Deadra Miller won the leadership award for her work with The Forum.

The final awards focused on individual achievement and service. Alana Bittner won the Blue Ridge Mountains Rotary Club Travel Scholarship to Argentina as part of PVCC’s exchange program. Phi Theta Kappa celebrated two students: Henry McLane was named to the PTK All-Virginia Academic Team, and Elena Cantwell was named PTK Top Ten All-Virginia Academic Team and the Coca-Cola Academic Team Silver Scholar. Kibiriti Majuto won the PVCC Board Community Service Award. The Distinguished Student Award was presented to SGA President Sophia Keniston.