PVCC Safe Keeping You Safe


Ryan Foresman, staff writer

PVCC Safe is responsible for more than students may know. PVCC Safe encompasses all of the campus’ security and emergency response abilities. The university police department also falls under the umbrella of PVCC Safe.

The campus police department has the equal authority of any other police department but focuses solely on the safety of PVCC and its student body.  Many students do not know they prefer to counsel students over arresting or issuing a citation.

The police department is also partly responsible for enforcing our school’s new tobacco policy. The campus police are on call 24/7, and they will walk any student to their car if they feel uncomfortable walking alone, and are available if you have car trouble such as a flat tire, run out of gas, or need a battery jump.

PVCC Safe also offers services for reporting stalking and sexual assault. Students can do this by going to PVCC Safe’s webpage and filling out a form in the sidebar. This opportunity opens the door for counseling resources students can be referred to. The office of the public safety is also one of the campus’ safe spaces.

PVCC Safe is responsible for the daily emails  students receive with helpful safety tips. These emails at times seem to be unnecessary, but in case of emergencies like weather events, fires, or active shooters, it alerts students as to the proper procedures to follow.

The department of public safety can be found in the Main Building, Room M218 (at the West entrance).

The office phone is 434-961-5319, the security officer cell phone is 434-981-6362, and the public safety officer or escort (24 hours a day) phone is 434-981-6362.