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Motivation to get Through Finals

Events News

Montana Mitchell, staff writer

 As the end of the semester approaches, it can start to feel impossible to keep up with the snowstorm of school work. Studying becomes tedious, class readings become unbearable, and attending class feels like trying to run a marathon after barely running a mile. Students become low on energy and time, leaving them feeling unmotivated and tired.

Despite these seemingly impossible-to-overcome obstacles, there are many ways to get through the end-of-semester slump.

For starters, making a set schedule of everything you need to do will help keep you organized. The end of the semester can make students feel as if they are running around with their heads cut off, especially without proper organization of everything they need to do. Making a schedule of what  needs to be worked on will not only provide a set schedule, but also ensure that no assignments are forgotten. Missed assignments cause unnecessary stress and, if not realized in time, have the ability to lower grades.

Paying attention in class is sometimes more than just being “present.” Being in class but being on your phone or falling asleep could cause you to fall off track. To prevent this, contributing to class discussion will not only keep you engaged but will also keep you up to date on everything that is happening, including assignments.

When studying, figuring out what time of day works best for you is beneficial. A helpful piece of information to know is if you are a morning or night person. If you find yourself more awake and alert at night, studying at night could be more beneficial to you than studying in the morning. This works the same with being a morning person; if you find yourself more alert in the morning, studying in the morning could benefit you more than studying at night. Knowing your brain and when you process information best can be an incredibly helpful tool while powering through study season.

Another way to stay motivated, especially with studying, is simply staying away from distractions. Social media is one of the biggest distractions people have. Scrolling endlessly through media like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat for hours at a time can be fun in the moment, but harmful to schoolwork in the long run.

To prevent this, turning off your phone, putting it on airplane mode, or simply putting it in another room can help eliminate these tempting distractions.

a list of tips to defeating anxietyAnother distraction can simply be other people. If you find yourself more present with the people around you, try isolating yourself from public settings. Keeping away from all distractions can help keep you motivated and undistracted.

Let others know that for right now, you are focusing on school work. It may not seem like it in the moment, but going out with friends could impact your motivation to do school work. Missing that party may be the last thing you want to do, but remember what will impact your future the most. In three years, that party will not matter, but that bad grade might.

Finally, and importantly, sleeping is crucial. Having enough sleep will not only help your alertness, but will also help with memory and learning. With enough sleep, you will find yourself no longer sleeping in class. You will have more energy, which increases motivation and increases your performance with studying.

According to Healthy Sleep, the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, “Low-quality sleep and sleep deprivation also negatively impact mood, which has consequences for learning. Alterations in mood affect our ability to acquire new information and subsequently to remember that information. Although chronic sleep deprivation affects different individuals in a variety of ways (and the effects are not entirely known), it is clear that a good night’s rest has a strong impact on learning and memory.”

Take a deep breath and hang in there. Finals season can be hard for everyone.

Rest up, stay on top of schoolwork, and try to relax!