
What I Wish I had Known

Collegiate News Opinion

Skye Scott, assistant editor

After three years of joining clubs, participating in classes, and interacting with peers and professors, I am finally graduating in Spring 2018.

As I look back on the years at PVCC, there are many lessons I wish I could pass on. But, for lack of space and time, here are a few that I wish I had started my journey knowing.

It is okay to mess up. This is probably the biggest one. There will be times that you mess up, where everything is not perfect.

Those times should be expected and used as learning opportunities. Even if you feel like you have messed up more than anyone else, there is always time to change as long as you work hard towards that goal.

Get help. There are so many resources at PVCC that I did not know about my first semester. Admitting you need help is not an act of failure; it is a step towards success.

Statistically, students who seek help from the Writing Center, First Quadrant Math Center, and their professors do better in PVCC classes then their peers who do not.

Take time for yourself. Doing things that make you happy and take your mind off work and school are essential for a mentally healthy semester.

Take walks during the day, take a bath at night, eat cookies, or even watch your favorite TV show. Activities that make you happy will also refresh you and make you more productive when you do homework.