Virginia21: Millennials and Politics

Photography by John Matthews
Photography by John Matthews

John Matthews, staff writer

Virginia21 is a non-profit organization whose goal is to get millennials more involved in both local and national politics. Virginia21 helps the younger generation get registered to vote. It also helps keep them informed on government legislature.

Connie Jorgensen, assistant professor of Political Science at PVCC said Virginia21 “makes politics relatable to students.” Whether it is  about school tuition, books, and more that directly impact the lives of millennials.

Virginia21 was at PVCC’s Student Success Day event on Wednesday Feb. 28 informing students exactly what they do and sharing the requirements to become a registered voter in Virginia.

They also had information on the upcoming Midterm elections that contained a Senate race as well as a House of Representatives race.

The Virginia21 volunteers also had statistics on the growth of millennial involvement in the political system in Virginia.

More information on Virginia21  can be found on their  website,, which contains information on how to join them if you’re interested.

They also contain current and recent legislature bills that are happening in Virginia retaining to college affordability, campus safety, voter rights, and more.

Links for more information on bills and committee schedules are also available on their website.

Virginia21 can also be followed on twitter @Virginia21 or on Facebook.