September 2015 Riddles

Comics and Puzzles

In times long since lost,

The gods played these with mortals,

Moved us as suited.

Now they still are being played,

The gods themselves, just mortals.


Highlight here for the answer:   Games



I am the crimson shade of blooming lycoris,

The fading glimmer of a coals light,

And as golden as a sun beam’s kiss.

I am the verdant glimmering of an emerald, bright,

The cerulean oceans washing tropical beaches clean,

The lapis shade of the sky on a moonlit night.

I am in the petals of the violets that dwell in the shade,

A rare, but natural sight am I

I shimmer brightly, and then… I fade.


Highlight here for the answer:  A Rainbow



A fabric made of a thousand lives,

Though none are taken by guns or knives.

A child is killed for a single strand,

All for the finest fabric in the land.


Highlight here for the answer:  Silk