Virginia21 raises student debt awareness

Campus News Collegiate News News

As the economy is still struggling, many college students are finding it hard to afford school: the accu­mulated debt from student loans is proving to be dif­ficult for some students to pay back as the job market has become harder to navi­gate during the recession.

According to a study conducted by the Institute for Higher Education Pol­icy, only 37 percent of stu­dents who took out loans were able to repay them, in full and on time, in 2005.

In an attempt to help remedy this situation in Virginia, the political edu­cation group Virginia21 is hosting an event entitled “What’s Your Number?”

The campaign is being held on Oct. 27 at Piedmont Vir­ginia Community College in the Bolick Student Cen­ter, and will be focused on obtaining signatures from college students for a peti­tion to increase the state funding for financial aid.

The petition’s goal is to reach 1000 signatures in sup­port of persuading the gov­ernor and the General As­sembly to help mitigate the current student debt crisis.

In addition to the col­lection of signatures, the “What’s Your Number” event will involve a participation factor to effectively illustrate the widespread impact of student debt. Members of PVCC’s Student Government Association will be pres­ent, wearing labels indicat­ing their current debt levels.

Other attendees are invited to take part in this activity as well, and those who do not feel comfortable displaying their actual level of debt may sub­stitute it for something simi­lar, such as “I work two jobs to pay for tuition” or the like.

“This is a very important issue. Almost every student, especially right now, is having trouble paying for college. So many students are graduat­ing college with thousands of dollars in debt, which takes years to pay off. Students should not be penalized for trying to get a good educa­tion, but they are. It’s crucial that all of these students get help paying for college,” said President of the Student Government Association at PVCC, Charlotte Russell.

Anyone who cannot at­tend the event but would still like to sign the petition may do so online, at virgin­