Recycling bin against a white cinderblock, with pictures of what can be recycled on each section of the bins.

The Reach for Sustainability: Recycling and the Dangers of Contamination

On March 3, PVCC launched its new recycling and trash disposal program. They are partnering with Waste Management, Inc., a waste disposal organization in Charlottesville, to set up recycling across the main campus. The Facilities Manager at PVCC Kim McManus wrote over an email that recyclable materials like “Paper, cardboard, glass, metal, and some plastics […]

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Image showing a yellow banner with black words saying "Electrification is the future" above an image of a house

Electrify Charlottesville

Charlottesville, like countless other cities across the country, is facing an energy crisis. An organization called the Community Climate Collaborative (C3) has partnered with the Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) to help Charlottesville residents and businesses transform their energy usage. The joint program includes fundraising for non-incentivised upgrades and panel talks for anyone interested in […]

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The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert

The One Book Program Evolves with “The Sixth Extinction”

Bryn Dotson, assistant editor After the dinosaurs went extinct, scientists held a devastating asteroid responsible. This catastrophic event is known as the “fifth extinction.” It is estimated by scientists between 150-200 species of plants, insects, and mammals become extinct every day. Now, humans are the asteroid. Elizabeth Kolbert, an environmental journalist and author of this […]

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