A young boy plays guitar while facing his father also playing guitar

Billy Strings Celebrates Latest Album at D.C.’s The Anthem

Encompassing the length of Washington historical Wharf on a brisk Saturday evening, a dense line formed outside The Anthem music auditorium. The warm bulbs of the venue’s Marquee illuminated the name “Billy Strings” in bold lettering. Anxious chatter could be heard as the minute hand approached twelve. Starting at 8 p.m., this Nov. 18 performance […]

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A blue sculpture of a jellyfish with lights shining in it

Witness the Spectacle of Light in PVCC’s Annual Celebration

PVCC will host its annual Let There Be Light exhibition on Friday, Dec. 9, showcasing light-centered installations and performances. With the trails of light illuminating the campus, visitors will explore artwork surrounding the V. Earl Dickinson Building while enjoying complimentary hot chocolate or cider. During the darkest and coldest period of the year, Let There […]

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The Dickinson Art gallery with photographs on walls

Visualizing Climate Change with Photographer Michael Snyder

PVCC’s climate-oriented one book program campus events came to a close on Friday, Nov. 18 with a photo gallery opening titled “Our Changing Climate: A Visual Chronicle Opening Night,” curated by photographer Michael Snyder. The event was held from 5-7 p.m. in the Dickinson building and featured a select few submissions from Snyder’s many photography […]

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André Luck (left), Jeffrey Anglim (middle), and Darrell Byers (right)- Criminal Justice Careers Panel (PVCC North Mall Meeting Room).

Criminal Justice Careers Eat & Meet with Albemarle County PD and US Secret Service

On Thursday, Nov. 17 at noon, representatives from the Albemarle County Police Department and the U.S. Secret Service conducted a criminal justice career panel at PVCC. The event was organized by Trisha Kipps, program coordinator and assistant professor of police science & administration of justice, in collaboration with the PVCC’s career services managers, André Luck […]

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