Board Game Club


Board Game Club Picture Page 12Every Tuesday in the third floor of the Dickinson Building from 3:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., you can discover the endless joys of playing board games. If you like to spend long hours playing new and exciting board games, the Board Game Club is for you.

Some games can be long, and others can be short. It all depends on the kind of people, what kind of games are available to play, and the number of students playing. The head of this wonderful group of students is Bruce Glassco, a professor of English here at Piedmont. Glassco is an avid game player and has even designed and published games.

When you turn the corner, there is a sense of excitement. You never know what kind of games you will play, or when a lost and forgotten rule will reappear and change the entire game.

The Board Game Club is about expressing your interests and meeting other people who like to play games and have interests that are common to yours. Players of the board games are never cutthroat or blood thirsty and always enjoy teaching others how to play new games. Over the course of the game, you can have heated discussions about feminism or the kinds of sandwiches you like to eat.

Games usually have some portion of cooperation; the players can teach you trust and respect. But they also teach you how to accept inevitable defeat and how to do so with an air of grace. So please come and visit and walk away feeling that you are a part of something bigger.